Reasons for Modern Chinese Maritime Customs Employed Foreign Staff 近代中国海关雇用洋员的历史原因探析
Organs of maritime surveillance, fisheries administration, marine affairs, inspection and quarantine, and customs are responsible for ensuring legitimate rights, law enforcement, and administration. 海监、渔政、海事、检验检疫、海关等部门负责相应的维权执法和管理任务。
The planning, arrangement and organization of Foreigners? in Maritime Customs ensured the success of Chinese exhibition and spread Chinese culture and its exchange with other cultures. 海关洋员的筹划、安排和组织使中国展区获得成功,促进了中华文化的传播与交流。
A Historic Research into China's Participation in Early World Expos& Focusing on the Publication of Maritime Customs of Old China 走向世界:中国参加早期世界博览会的历史研究&以中国旧海关出版物为中心
The Establishment of Maritime Customs and the Prosperity of Coastal Cities in Fujian in Early Qing Dynasty 守者配置于海岸沿线。清代前期闽海关的设置与福建沿海城市的兴盛
Being Involved in the World: Chinese Maritime Customs and the 1873 'Vienna World Fair 走向世界&晚清中国海关与1873年维也纳世界博览会
Modern Chinese Maritime Customs once managed 10 businesses or so. 百年近代中国海关,曾管理过10种左右不同的业务。
Modern Chinese Maritime Customs governed by Foreign Staff nearly one century. 近代中国海关雇用洋员,首先是由于外方的逼迫和诱导。
After the establishment of maritime customs and the permission of the overseas trade, the economic factor caused extensive population to migrate in Fujian Province. 开海之后,由于经济因素,在福建省内引起大规模的人口迁徙。
As a part of the distinctive regime of maritime laws and customs, and greatly influenced by the principle of "free contracting" as well as each state's contract laws, V/ Cs comprise many complicated problems, including the issue of this dissertation. 其构成较具特色又极具国际性的海商法律与惯例体系的一部分,同时又受到各国合同法规定的调整及合同自由原则的影响,因此,包含很多比较复杂的法律问题。
In early Qing Dynasty, the prosperity and development of coastal cities in Fujian had close connection with the instauration of maritime customs and the foreign trade. 清代前期福建沿海城市的兴盛与开海设关和对外贸易有着极为紧密的联系。
Maritime Customs is an important executive for supervision and management of the national entry-exit affairs. 海关是一个国家监督管理进出境事务的重要行政机关。
Not only national to the Customs put forward a service economy and promote the higher request of the economic development, society also manage the service ability in the process and the efficiency level to send in the import and export to the maritime customs to more hopes. 不仅国家对海关提出了服务经济、促进经济发展的更高要求,社会也对海关在进出口管理过程中的服务能力和效率水平寄予了更多的希望。
After the instauration of the maritime customs of Fujian, because its urban economy which set up on the basis of trade and business was growing, the urbanization process of the coastal cities of Fujian began to start too. 闽海关设立之后,由于其建立在商贸基础上的城市经济的日益发展,福建沿海城市的城市化进程也开始起步。